The story of Kurt Seyit & Shura is beautifully written by Mrs. Nermin Bezmen (Seyits granddaughter) it is evident how much it meant to her to retell this story of history and a great love.
The true story of this great love affair, which triumphed over so much adversity yet failed to overcome human fallibility Kurt Seyit & Shura tells us the trajectory of two people who fall in love but who for many reasons find it very difficult to be together. A story of overcoming, of power, of struggles, of dramas and of much emotion. At the end of the reading, I felt as if I had left my heart in Russia. A heart pitied for all that could have been, for all that they have ceased to live and especially for all they could have achieved. A real report done in a lovely way, and at the end, I felt myself tear up.