For me, this book started out a little slowly. Why is he writing about the White House gardeners and mentioning them by name? Why is he writing about that long walk down the collinade from his residence to his office? Do I really need to know all this? Nonetheless, I kept reading, and I'm glad that I did. For the people who gave up on the book after the first ten minutes, you blew it.
Barack Obama makes sure to credit every staff member by name who made an impact on his political career. He shows appreciation to the college volunteers who helped him win his first political campaigns all the way to the military generals who planned the attack on Osama Bin Laden. And yes, he credits the people who maintain the White House gardens because those gardens were sometimes his only source of solace during his first four years in office. This didn't come across to me as a man who is egotistical.
If anyone is thinking about running for office in America, you need to read this book. Why anyone would want to be President of the United States I'll never know. This book shows in detail how much pressure you're under day by day, hour by hour. To those who say the book is boring and it doesn't give details, try reading beyond the first ten pages. Also, if you want to know whether or not Barack Obama is lying in this book, turn on your tv news or read a newspaper today. You'll see that the same partisanship that kept our country from moving forward during his administration is still going strong today. I highly recommend this book, even if it does start out a little slow.