I really thought the movie was okay until the rushed ending. JLo and Chu are really good. And their characters are sweet together and compelling. What hurt the movie was how it wrapped up. The filmmakers awkwardly tried to give a tear-jerker montage without enough buildup...or actual need for a montage. It just came out of nowhere, instead of being a creshendo of emotion, which is why you use a montage. It's supposed to be a rush of thoughts and memories which provides catharsis. Well there wasn't anything to creshendo because the movie didn't handle the relationship between the two mains very well. The first 2/3 were great and then nothing made their broken relationship actually tragic. It more just crumbled because JLo's character messed up by being selfish and thoughtless. Which was pretty out of character for her. I could go on. The point is that after building up a nice bouffet, the pieces at the end ultimately didnt fit.
Technically the movie was good. The presentation was a little flat and relied on the performances rather than great shots and lighting. Also the construction of the movie was awkward...it seemed like just a regular story, but then it turned into a flashback and forth. Which then flashed forward for some reason. The movie couldn't find the right balance between or way to present its flashbacks. I'm pretty discerning: I understood Inception the first time, okay? And, at a certain point I couldn't tell you if the movie was still flashbacking, was present day, or has moved ahead. I kinda figured it out but they seemingly showed these scenes with a journalist so you understood it was based on a true story. Otherwise it didn't really help the movie tell its story and it took away from what should've been central: the relationship between JLo's and Chu's characters. We should've seen more of JLos characters world behind the scenes because it ultimately feels like it's a movie about both of them thats too one-sided about one character.