On the Rector Scale of 10 quakes - a 1 (and that is being generous) As boring as a movie gets. The dialogue is unwitty, uncharming, straight ahead like "Let's walk down this sidewalk." That kind of mind-numbing. i got it free or i would have left. i'm stunned even 53% liked it. I didn't find Julianne alive as a character but a cardboard cut out. She made me feel NOTHING. and I am an older single woman! if ANYONE is going to connect with her it would be me. I'm also a screenwriter and there are so many faux pas in this movie. What the hell with the upstairs neighbor guy screaming he wants to die? Completely unengaged with the storyline! And what does her daughter moving to Sweden have to do with anything???And the other characters were so sacharine sweet (and i love sweet) i thought i was watching a Hallmark b.s. tv show. Ms. Moore did a horrible acting (non-acting) job. Let me out!