Played this for a long long time and can say for sure now after the continues changes to the came that't it,s the grindiest and one of the most unforgiving games i've played. The fact that you earn lackluster XP and indgame currency even when you pay for the premium subscribtion. Not even to mention how worse it is on a free to play account.
If you win you might earn a small profit and some xp but if you lose you will almost certanly have a loss of currency and little to none Xp even on a premium account
If you want late game stuf in this game either you pay up and grind for years or you play for free and grind for even longer
Would not reccomend this game until they begin to actively listen to the community.
They"re trying to silence the community by removing sites with bad reviews. And slandering the community by saying that they're just bigoted and don't know how to run a Free to play title. Well surely as a community you would't have the full pictute but i qurantee you that the community surely knows how a F2P could be fun to play instead of this grind.
I don't mind grinding for stuff. But i've played this since 2014 and i haven't even unlocked a full tech tree. Not to mention that they kerp adding new stuff eirher out of reech to new players or even prolongibg the grind even further...