I have played for a couple of days now, and honestly i had high hopes for this game but after playing here is what I have to say
You are Supposed to collect resources and use them to build armys and defenses for the villages or to attack with but you can't Collect enough resources to build armies or defenses because of an resource and army Cap. It gives you an 150 resource cap, when you need at least 75 of any resource to build something, and sometimes you need to build something mid battle and can't, so that makes build, irritating and unfun to do. The army Cap is the same, you only start with an army Cap of 10-20 and they take resources to make, but it's your 10-20 army Against enemie armys of 50-150, that also respawn, so you just never have enough troops to do anything. So overall, not even worth buying, and honestly feels like another cyberpunk. Underdeveloped, rushed, and not even fun unless you want to play with others, but even then because resources are shared with the cap not changed, it still won't be fun.
TLDR: underdeveloped, and rushed game, not worth buying at all, Especially if your looking for a good Single player game.