The concept of the movie was brilliant but the script and some of the characters left a lot wanting. For one, I am sick of how women are always depicted as not being able to have a normal relationship with one another without referring to one another in derogatory terms like "Bi**s" and "Wh**es". This is a sad theme that smacks of some ole rap video. Also the hidden disdain or jealousy of female friends who may be single, if their friends are in a monogamous family relationship really tiresome as well. To me the loud boisterous in your face friend with no filter seemed stereotypically conceived and if the movie was trying to make a point about this its was lost in the cringiness of it altogether and seemed totally unnecessary. There is so much more plot and story development that could have been done with the movie concept, but there are teachable lessons sprinkled with a lot of presumptions and stereotypes. Which is ashamed because I think Janelle's acting at times was definitely award worthy and did not showcase her talents as it may have, had they had a better core of screen writers.