Had such high hopes. All the trailers made me think I was going to watch a movie mixed with Alice in wonderland and a24. Turns out almost half the movie is sex. And not good sex either. Uncomfortable, pitying sex. Dont get me wrong, I'll watch a good sex movie but it felt so uncomfortable after about 30 mins of watching Emma Stone "furiously jump." As soon as they established she has a child's mind, we are greeted with Bella discovery of sex. Afterwards, that, the movie is nothing but Bella "sexual experiencing."which is really grown men taking advantage of a mentally disabled girl. This movie includes not one instance of children and sex but 2.
What could have been the woman's "Letters to Algernon" became nothing but a pretty kink content film. One star for the effort the art department put into the film. The decor, music, transitions, wardrobe and choreography is spot on. Its the awful script and waste of actors potential that takes away from everything else.
So if the point was to highlight the feminine experience of dissapointment, they did it.