My Demon" on Netflix is a captivating series that had me hooked from the beginning. The simplicity of the story, combined with a beautiful narrative, kept me engaged throughout. The introduction, accompanied by the mesmerizing OST "True," is a standout, making it the only Netflix series where I never skipped the opening credits.
The chemistry between Song Kang and Kim Yoo jung, the leading characters, is exceptional, making it one of my favorite dramas from their repertoire. The supporting characters are well-developed, adding depth to the overall narrative. Song Kang effortlessly brings to life a character who is not only handsome and cute but also romantic, adding depth to the supernatural narrative. The duality of his character, seamlessly transitioning between charm and danger, adds an intriguing layer to the storyline. Song Kang's ability to convey both the softer and more intense aspects of his character contributes significantly to the series' appeal, making the demon a memorable and multifaceted presence in the show.
While the series briefly touches on themes from other supernatural dramas like Goblin and Nine Tailed Beast, "My Demon" establishes its uniqueness. The scenes with the demon's red eyes and the thrilling encounter with the killer where Demon comes to make a deal with Do Do Hee brought back memories of similar moments from other Goblin & Nine Tailed, but "My Demon" stands out with its own storyline, seamlessly connecting different timelines.
The blend of romance, thriller, and comedy adds layers to the narrative, making it a well-rounded and enjoyable watch. I felt a tinge of sadness as the series came to an end, a testament to the emotional impact it had on me. I wholeheartedly recommend "My Demon" to anyone seeking a delightful mix of genres with outstanding performances, especially from the talented Song Kang and Kim Yoo Jung.
🌼🌼"Last of all,it is an amazing drama and this drama will stay in my heart for the rest of my life."🌼🌼