The movie was absolutely boring. Not only did it have dull acting to give a sense of "realism" (In full honesty listening to a bunch of valley girls talk about their guy problems would be more entertaining) it was incredibly slow for 40 minutes. The movie did pick up in the middle however the one good creepy part only lasted 10 seconds through the entire movie. I get the point of realism but if you have to sit through both pale conversations and weak dialogue for forty minutes to get any sort of excitement then it isnt worth it in my opinion. There wasnt a single character i was made to actually care about so their demise wasnt tragic in any sense to me. The real world tragedies that happen is obviously tragic but this was the most boring display of such things. Real senarios are based off on who is close with them and if you want the audience to feel close to them like their friends you need better monologue and back story. I rate this an honest 1/10. I have never rated a movie that bad in my life but this was pathetic. Spreading awareness is necessary but this movie aint it chief.