I just don't understand how critics or review works these days, i wonder those guys who rated it 9/10 on steam, ign or IMDb whatever.. do they even know what a good game feels like! I have played games that were from the xbox 360 with 30 fps cap and i got immersed. I can guarantee that origins just have a household popularity most likely cause of the setting which is Egypt and it looks gorgeous and has that ancient feeling, but once you get into the game, you'll realize the loopholes for instance the lack of polish in the world. Even with its 60 fps and graphics i couldn't get immersed. They added all these NPCs and everything but the way they act, talk, move, whatever happens around feels that lack of polish. Almost like ubisoft had a great idea and they were eager to make money of that idea instead of creating something best out of it. This is the second time I've uninstalled it, just couldn't force myself to immerse myself into their world. It feels too robotic and unrealistic with the way the camels the horses move, the way nps move around, the glitches.. I am glad I played this on xbox game pass and didn't actually waste my money buying it. It feels like every ubisoft game now.. Odyssey and the bad publicity of Valhalla. Back in the old days Assassin's creed 2 certainly lack the great potential of the ideas but whatever idea they had, the polished it, made the best out of it. Which is why the older games were the best, slow but much more immersive than these