i think its great but i want to see if i can get some help because i believe my life is in danger. i live at courtland place apartments ansence i came here to live ive been watched around the clock. i pay rent but have no privacy because of the camers and peep spots they have here im in 518 an they have been in my place an stole things an i eventually put a dash camera in an caught two people in here. this system was put in by staff and employees. the rental agent Reaanne and the security person i believe are trying to get people to rob me and there was false charges filed against me two weeks ago by james woods who is apart of this o going harrassement. also Willie Brown, aka Detroit is the lead person of attack and he has said many times that he was gonna rob me and they all are working to bring me harm because they want things that i have and paid for with my own money could you please have someone look into courtland place apt.they have set out to do me harm and if they come please post this, and this willie brown has been harrassing me gtes