The worst Beverley Hill Cops ever, i was so
disappointed. Not once did i laugh. What happened ? Eddie Murphy looked tired, this wasnt Axel Foley. Over weight, tired looking. The film had no humour. For instance, when Axel Foley and his daughter spot the chief with the bad guys at a pool, in my mind i thought Axel Foley will walk in and pretend to be gay or do something funny and embarras the corrupt captain and the bad guy. I could not see any humour in this film. As a true fan of Eddie Murphy and the Beverly Hills cops previous movies im really disapointed. Im sorry but there is no coming back after this. What was Jerry Bruckheimer thinking. You let me down and im sure there any many other fans that feel the same. Soon as this poor excuse of a movie ended i sat and watched Beverly Hill cop 1 and 2 and laughed my socks off and felt a sense of connection to these 2 golden oldies and thought these are the real Beverley Hill cops. Even the Axel F tune wasnt even the original tune. Im not a happy bunny