This summer has seen a lineup of impressive movies, yet this particular film falls disappointingly short. Despite the trailer's promise of an action-packed experience, the movie's meager action sequences were lackluster.
The fight scenes were poorly lit and too short, leaving the viewer wanting.
The initial ten minutes of the movie were promising, but then the plot stagnates, there is no plot outside of "man singlehandedly takes out local Mafia family." The beginning should have included the reason behind the protagonist's presence in Italy.
While I understand the movie takes place in Italy, the excessive use of Italian throughout nearly half of the film felt both unnecessary and bothersome.
The majority of the film is centered around the townspeople, with a persistent effort to portray them as remarkable, though the actual reasons for their supposed greatness are left unexplored. The excessive focus on trying to establish an emotional connection to the townsfolks falls flat, as their uninteresting nature fails to charm or engage. The characters come across as one-dimensional, lacking depth.
Regarding the man who had his shop set on fire, he attempts to rush into a burning building? And needs to be held back from doing so? When there was no one who needed to be saved?
The final showdown is underwhelming, with the hero incapacitating the villain with ease and then casually walking alongside him until his demise. This anticlimactic conclusion is far from satisfying or heartwarming, failing to deliver the intended impact. Denzel Washington's character deserved a more fitting farewell in the closing scene of the trilogy.