Cozy Grove is fun and immersive, I both love and hate the limited daily quests. Only because I want to keep going, but I respect the game slows your progression to keep you hooked and exploring. My biggest issues with the game are mechanics, mostly going in and out of dialogue to store items, sell, buy, and why oh why can I not use R or L to navigate my in hand items?! What's the point of having the quick in hand screen? I mean it's definitely easier than going into my bag, but technically I have to do that every time anyway. Idk, I'm playing on switch so maybe if it's on other platforms it's smoother, like a lot of cross platform games are. I would just think by now Devs would look at Switch ports and optimize since this is such a fun handheld adventure!
Pretending anyone is listening:
-Don't exit dialog screen every time
-make R and L select in hand items from the 4 right items for ease, even just a 1 and 2 option.
-why can't we cook bugs? I've only played for a few days so maybe they play a bigger role down the line, but at least roast em for pigment or something
Idk I've never played Animal Crossing or any kind of relax vibe game like this so maybe I'm being a grump. The inventory selection should be so simple though, this isn't Minish Cap. Just a thought.