I love Jojo Moyes's books, I thought because of the author that the movie would be like her work. But it was not.
I love Shaileen Woodley but she did not fit the part for me personally. She does not look like the part she is playing. I am not saying she is ugly but her features is too rough for the part she is playing. In all of the movies I watched with her in she usually plays a tomboy. I feel like she needs to stick to that because playing a lady in the sixties does not fit her, maybe she can pull of a modern woman but not a lady. Her make up was terrible it looked like it was done by someone with little experience in the make up industry.
The movie all in all was very boring. I love romances and I am not on my phone during a movie but my attention was not ons the movie and that never happens. I feel like this movie needs work and can definitely be redone.
If there is no money for other actors then do not make a movie with people that was selected randomly. I think the people who chose the cast could have put more time and effort into selecting the lead roles because the actors that was chosen did not fit the roles for me.
I was definitely not feeling this movie rather make the sequel to Me Before You the book After You. If they work with the book and choose characters that fit the role we could have another masterpiece but this movie was an insult to Jojo Moyes.