When you keep repeating this dramatic political lies, when you try to justify the defamation and cruelness of a sivilization by heart warming scenes.
When you only show your team crying for help but does not show the rightous team crying for help even harder, when you mention that they were suphering in there special day but dont mention that the rightous team were suphering in there special mounth AND WHILE THEY WERE FASTING!!
When you show to uncultured civilizations about the war with no contest and try to hide the fact that your team were the inhumane occuppuiers...
When you justify all of that and more in away to enter peoples hearts... You truely have a problem.
People need to learn the truth via authentic sources, lets say via more than one source
Because i dont know what can be relied upon these days...
The thing that you tend to forget is the core reality of your dramatic lie...
"The righous will always win at the end"