The movie was definitely on point for me. The metaphorical ghost is literally RACISM. It may change in appearance over time yet still remain perfectly enshrined throughout all institutions within the U.S. We saw 2.5 black perspectives. Yes, colorism just so subtly and, at other times, blatantly graces the screen. Kinda scary how some of us walk around like Liv RIGHT NOW! Half in half out, never really knowing if they kin or will sell you out. Again, even that can be a derivative of the larger issue of RACISM in America.
Each of the ladies shared separate stories but of the same spirit - the EFFECT of RACISM. Poor Jasmine. 😔 So many of us are still gripped in its clutches. That baby was intelligent. While I do not believe her experience served her well in the classroom scene with ole Liv, I saw whiteness again valued more than a black perspective. I also got that sense in the cafeteria scene, which again fits the narrative in describing this New Babylon. It became clear that the symbolism is a naturally recurring theme. Regardless of the reasoning or logic, Jasmine was fine in her assertions and deserved better from her kind. I wanted to punch Liv and that lunch lady in the throat soooo so bad! You get a throat punch! You get a throat punch! And you get another one!
I remained triggered throughout the ENTIRE film. The microaggressions. The mICroAgGresSIonS! By the end, I was so exhausted for literally wanting to come through my television screen! However, it is a clear representation of what it is like being in a country that does not love all of US. It is strikingly true to form in describing the sheer frustration and panic within a system that is so evidently hellbent on destroying people of color. All the clues are there, yet RACISM remains.
Clever movies like this demonstrate it. Actions, in reality, have not substantially followed.