I loved the show! I've heard of the Adams Family but never watched the movies or read the cartoons. I've seen glimpses of it on Instagram though. But this show after seeing ads for it on Instagram I decide "why not?" AN innocent question with a great answer. Wednesday is unique, hilarious and full of shocking twists that only 2 I saw coming. This is a great show to watch even if you haven't seen Adams family movies. THe one critic was the love triangle, I though it was a bit forced and honestly I woulnd't have minded seeing Wednesday as Ace or Aro. And the idea that not 1 but 2 guys liking her just seemed kinda unrealistic. But on the whole the show was a great. I loved Wednesday (the character) flaws and all. She has a great dynamic with her roommate who is all sunshine and rainbows. I totally recommend to anyone who is interested in mysteries and slightly into horror