I am so hooked. This is so well written. I am on an emotional roller coaster from one episode to the next. As for Shin Yoo-shin, that man needs to be taken down a peg or two. What an awful human being. I just hope that he learns that all men and not the same. That he is a lying, cheating scumbag. Lee Tae-gon is doing a brilliant job as are all the other actors. Brilliant show. Love it. Not sure why there are so many negative comments when it’s not meant to be real. It’s a drama, it’s make believe. We know how people are, we understand human nature. Some are like this, but many are not. We cannot only show good and wonderful people because there would be no story to tell. It would be boring. My only issue (very small) is that the dialogues are a little slow. But still think it’s well written and well played out.