I am struggling with what to write about this book without sounding like I’m just gushing all over it because I absolutely loved it. Margie Smith Holt pulls you in from the very beginning and I found myself saying, on numerous occasions, how cool is her life?!
This book left me feeling like wanting to pick up and move to St John at 40 (ok 41) is not totally crazy and even doable! It breathed life into my fantasy and, even though we’ve never met, made me feel as though Margie just “gets me.”
As someone who deeply loves St. John and it’s people, I also appreciated that Margie did not gloss over some of the more difficult discussions and, in fact, likely brought awareness to them that some folks who visit the island would not have otherwise known. In addition, she paints such a real and vivid picture of the stories from some of the hurricane Irmaria survivors that I found myself crying with them (I see you, Jenn).
Even if you have never had the opportunity to visit St John, read this book! And thank you, Margie, for writing your memoir and allowing us all a glimpse into your life, and the lives of your Coral Bay friends.