The plot is interesting but parts of the story just literally reject giving weight to their parts and it is palpable that the original main actor left halfway through the making of the movie
It could've been a solid movie but the action is just poor and not really believable, they stand around in a shootout 5 meters apart in a 1v5 a la John J. Rambo and the guy is just standing there talking and reloading, almost like a videogame where the rest of the characters will just simply wait for him to continue doing what he is doing.. there's no tension, just background noises to show ''there is a shoot out''
and unlike Rambo, who was a real boogy man bc he actually was a highly skilled MAC-V-SOG the best of the best now you're looking at a martial art teacher with basic infantry training taking on several trained cops? why miss out on that sorta weight? it's a movie, give the guy a medal and make him the best of the best, else it just seems silly
same goes for why he's doing this for his cousin? why not his brother? just seems like you're missing easy extra weight but ok, not that important
if the action was just done more realistic i would have given this a solid 7/10, the score is ok, the acting (minus the action) decent and the shots are well enough to be a good movie