Tetris Effect was already a bad game because of its clunky controls, slow menus, and the fact it was a PS4 and Epic Games store exclusive. This year, instead of adding it to Steam, they add it to the travesty that is the Microsoft Store, and Xbox. It's like Enhance doesn't want me to buy their lousy game. And I haven't even mentioned the price tag yet. That's right, $40 for a block game, that same block game that you could play online for free. Tetris Effect has been updated to include more worthless modes. They remade the trash that is NES Tetrs, and it still has that awfully slow auto-repeat rate, making the high levels unplayable. Score Attack is trash because if someone loses, they have to sit on their hands waiting for the other player to finish. None of my friends want to play the battle mode in any of these games because I'm too good, it's either I don't get to play, or they don't. It's such a shame nobody can get Tetris right in this day and age. It's either just half-hearted cash grabs or soulless competitive clients. Tetris is still dead to me.