Her ex husband can be marry so many times and married someone young enough to be his daughter, everyone loves him, and she’s no different! Men can get away with these terrible allegations, this woman just wants to achieve her child her dreams, not realizing she abandoned herself. This is the best masterpiece she create. Even if you don’t like her, the visual was breathtaking, and she’s a Leo, and true fire sign she is!!!! Fierce!!! No matter what!! JLO is Jennifer Lopez, Jenny from the block, I don’t let her personal life, make me hate her, if anything made me understand more! Bravo for being brave against evil, the ones are talking, are literally no better than her. I don’t see another Latina work this hard, made it this far. Nothing can make me turn my back on her, unless she was harming, that she’s not!!! Most people have relationships issues or broke, but they can judge someone, because they have no life! Humanity is lost in the woods 🤣🤣🤣