Just as the name suggests. This movie says that in this modern world or modern playground(The western American genre), there is no space for old men or their thinking.
The movie has three characters who live in three worlds. No one is the protagonist. Moss seems the protagonist for one half of the film only to die in such a random accident where he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The Sheriff starts of interesting and ends off as the boring guys. He maybe was the most stable and wasn’t looking for any trouble and like a normal person, he led a normal life and in the end is pretty confused looking back at his own life where he seems off no more importance to the world like a pawn on a chessboard.. Anton Chigurh, perhaps the most interesting character of them all. He is said to have rules but we don’t see anything other than just coin tosses which he uses to decide the fate of the people that witness him(Most of the time).He is an interloper, (An element for chaos causing it wherever he goes and killing indiscriminately). In the end his fate is infact shown to be resting in the hands of nature being decided based on coin tosses
Moss: Karma (Order)
Sheriff: Stable (Meaningless Vague, just like a bunch of zeroes in a binary code)
Anton: Chaos (Brings chaos to the world and is not safe from the chaos of nature himself)
Verdict: Excellent movie. One of The Best that I have watched in recent times and I’ll give it a five easily.. Totally rewatchable
Moral: Moral is that the old thinking does not survive in this modern world. One must be innovative and should keep moving which is important if you want to stay satisfied with life and u dont have to question everything some things are just random