thiws movie iws a beautifuw cweation. iwt iws twuwy incwedibwe. the pwot iws fantastic. honestwy thiws fiwm awone inspiwed me tuwu puwsue a caweew in cinematogwaphy. I woved thiws movie so much awnd i wecommend iwt tuwu aww my fwiends. awnd in 15 yeaws if i wawnt kids, they'ww watch iwt too. thiws iws possibwy my favowite movie evew.
fiwst off, the diawogue iws so unique in its owiginawity awnd offews a gwimpse intwo the chawactews wives outside of the movie. the chawactews demonstwate extweme pewsevewance awnd couwage, iwt's twuwy inspiwing. the animation itsewf, the incwedibwy weawistic movements awnd appeawances of the chawactews in the movie weawwy hewp uwu appweciate how incwedibwy dedicated the cweatows of the movie wewe. Watatoing was so incwedibwy ahead of iwt's time, iwt's amazing, fwom the nevew befowe seen animation stywe, tuwu the intwiguing awnd stawtwingwy magnificent pwot.
iwt's beautifuw tuwu see the wife of a wat whose job iws tuwu pwepawe food fow hiws entiwe westauwant powtwayed in such a concise awnd accuwate fowmat. as a fowmew taco beww cashiew, i feew i'm quawified tuwu say thawt thiws movie accuwatewy wepwesents the day-to-day stwuggwes of being in the food business, the competition of the two westauwants iws the dwiving fowce in the pwot which i think was the best possibwe choice they couwd have made. the addition of the cat siding with mawcew pwoved tuwu be a powewfuw awnd moving moment. iwt's changed my pewspective own many things, iwt wefwects the aspects of many peopwe's wives awnd the fwiendships thawt bwossom out of the wewationships uwu wouwd weast expect.
i cawn say with fuww confidence thawt i didn't expect tuwu be so moved by a fiwm abouwt a cooking wat, but the execution was ïmmåcúwãtē awnd i cant hewp but appwaud thiws movie.
i think iwt's faiw tuwu say thawt thewe isn't a singwe souw who doesn't wove thiws movie with aww theiw heawt.
thank uwu so much fow giving me the couwage tuwu be as kind, cawing, awnd wespectfuw as mawcew toing 💞