Broadchurch is a gripping crime drama that follows the lives of 11-year-olds, their adult parents, detectives, and media in a hushed-up peaceful town, leading to a justified end.
As someone who's watched and read countless mysteries, I rarely give detective shows a five-star rating as they often fall short of my expectations. However, Broadchurch was an exception. The show's well-crafted storylines in all the episodes (I am talking about S1) built up gradually without feeling tedious, and I was completely engrossed in the plot. I didn't even feel the need to speculate on who the killer might be.
The story still haunts me, raising questions about how we categorize human crime, the workings of the human mind, and the clues sociopaths lay before us. While Coleman and Tennant's performances were superb, every actor in even a minuscule role has left their mark. Broadchurch's execution was exceptional, making it a must-watch crime drama. Please find time and do this show the justice it deserves!