If you want to see a clean movie, then this is a good movie to see. There were aspects about the film that were good, such as the message about hope and persevering. But there were some serious problems connecting the dots. For example, the older brother supposedly goes through a spiritual transformation but there is no real evidence of that. When he experiences the “big loss” (vagueness on purpose so as to not spoil the film for those who haven’t seen it), you don’t see him mourn! I mourned in the theater longer than he did.
Also, there was no real explanation for what the younger brother’s health problem was. I still don’t quite understand.
Also, becoming a Christian is more than simply admitting there is a God and that you need Him. The religious world for the most part believes a prayer makes a person a Christian. This idea is simply not found in the Scriptures. On the religious/spiritual “fluff” scale, this was definitely a 10.