I am thoroughly disappointed with this. Why can’t I have a good alien film? That’s all I want: aliens. Is that too hard to ask for?
Spoilers ahead.
Another strong teenage female lead who went from zero to hero in the span of 40 minutes. What in the world is up with stupid teenagers being the lead? Are there no adults left in the world?
An alien who incubates in a literal 5 minutes after implantation of the egg, then grows from tiny to xenomorph size in another 5 minutes. What is wrong with how the xenomorphs developed? Was it not fast enough? And why the need for the alien to cocoon itself again after bursting out of her chest? It now goes through two egg stages which is dumb.
The engineer-looking black goo baby is extremely weird looking. It’s not a xenomorph so now, the black goo creates engineers? Wth?!
The lore is all over the place. Xenomorphs go through 2 egg stages and literally completes a life cycle in ten minutes. With all the other xenomorphs around, why was there even a xenomorph born? Just for the cool special effect of the X-ray light? Yeah, no.
The main female lead makes so many dumb decisions. She goes back for an android. Not an actual human being, but a synthetic artificial human who apparently can’t think without a module. She somehow escapes from multiple xenomorphs who are a mere five feet away from her. She flies through acid in zero gravity. Like, really? This is all supposed to be realistic? Not to forget to mention all of the other impossible and dumb things she does, like releases the cargo bay and is held on by a small cable. That’s it. She doesn’t get sucked out to into the vastness of space because of a cable the width of my finger.
The xenomorphs are slower than turtles when moving and attacking. They look cool and that’s about it. They do nothing and we don’t even know why there’s so many of them and who is laying all the eggs.
Why can’t Hollywood make a decent movie? I’m so disappointed.