Sue Jarvis, I agree. The quality of this show is spiraling more each day. Craig (not Greg) is exactly what you said and more. I am happy to know that I am not the only one that has noticed his poor etiquette on this show. If there is food, he is eating it, which at times is inappropriate for him to reach across others, walk onto the set to grab a few items and walk off, munching. Who would have thought that the viewers wouldn't think his voice is annoying? Today, they were all laughing and talking at the same time, which happens too many times to name. They talk so much among themselves that the guests on the show have less time to talk on "their" segment. This show is a mess. HELP! Matt might have misbehaved behind closed doors but on set, he was a professional. I know I will soon say goodbye and move on. This will end decades of watching the Today Show!!