Words can not describe the majestic beauty of this movie. From the striking green screens to the heavenly CGI, this movie is life-changing. Shark boy is my spirit animal. Every time he struck a pose my ovaries quivered. I cannot get over his sharky greatness. Lava girl is a pure snack. She is LIGHT
When she melted down into her molten slug form, I felt things that I didn't know I could feel. Anyone who says this movie is bad is LYING. This is the most iconic, legendary, movie of all time. Seeing both shark boy and lava girl on the same screen was enough to confirm my bisexuality. The one and only flaw this movie has is.................
American Girl doll's glasses. Where did they go??? Who has them now??? Will we ever see them again?? We will never know. The suspense is killing me. All I can hope for now is to dream of shark boy singing me his lovely lullaby and to write it down in my DrEaM JoUrNAl in the morning.